If said slave chooses to spend time that he could've used e.g. on devising an escape plan on complaining.
That's a joke right?
We are talking about young girls who are chained to beds to work as prostitutes. We are talking about kids on fishing trawlers in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. We are talking about people who have been in North Korean concentration camps for two generations, whose entire family will be executed if they escape.
Your opinion is they should not complain about their circumstances, and we as wealthy Westerners should not try to help them?
You keep pulling shit out of your ass and trying to shove it down my throat.
You act as if I had stated that considering helping them or actively (trying to) do so shouldn't be allowed, which is false. None of that crap has anything to do with the argument though.
Name me one example in which you will see strictly better results by complaining than by thinking up different potential solutions. You can't. Because complaining is a destructive force with a net effect that is either zero or negative.
Nobody is stopping you from helping others, and props to you if you're not just a hypocrite running your mouth and actually doing what you preach to others (which I doubt). But none of that has anything to do with the fact that energy invested in complaining is wasted energy.
Best case you will make people aware of a given problem, but if that was your goal there are vastly more efficient ways that won't cause other gullible people to just complain as well.
Simply denying they have a right to complain about their situation is detrimental to their cause. Deriding them is paramount to helping oppress them.
I may not agree with what you have to say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.
But you should be aware of what repercussions your words may reap, if you are aware and still don't care then I will fail to listen although still acknowledge your right to speech. Even hate speech should be free although abhorrent, the problem is you can;t draw the line clearly, one mans hate is another mans reality.
My words would never reap repercussions if you weren't 100% illiterate.
I've stated a fact, if you use your own time on complaining about your situation instead of trying to improve it you will be in a worse situation than you would be otherwise. That's a simple and immutable fact. No arguing about it.
There are only repercussions if people like you or HM come along and make up different arguments on my behalf, which I have never made, and then try to portrait me as their own mental delusion.
You are either intellectually dishonest (didn't properly read and understand what has been said and filled the gaps with your own story, then refuse to accept the fact that you have done so), too mentally impaired to understand what I've said, or plain evil and a manipulator.
The argument that I've made has nothing to do with anything that you or HM made up when arguing back. You idiots are making up points of your own and pretending that they were mine.
Also, the only repercussions will be that you will be in a worse place in the future, as well as everybody who you claim to be trying to help. Your attitude is the precise and sole root of all problems in this world, regardless of which of the three reasons is responsible for your acts of twisting truth. You don't care about listening, you only care about making up arguments on other people's behalf and then pretending that you're the "good guy" by arguing against your own fairy tales. There will be no repercussions for me, because I understand very well that the overwhelming majority is evil, delusional, ego-tripping, or just plain retarded. If you however, act in real life as you do on here, you'll be the one eating shit when it proverbially hits the fan. Good luck with that.