So you're either a cuck or female, of which, both of their opinions are worthless <...>
I'm neither you donk, I'm a human being who loves & is loved by other human beings, especially ones of the female gender.
Sure there are bimbos around, much like there are dickheads such as yourself. At least the former are way more fun.
I don't hate women, I'm just not willfully ignorant of their nature and how just about every single way they're evolved is solely to try and exploit or manipulate men in some manner. I mean, think about that for a second. As a male, you're evolved to be able to do things like defend yourself from bears so you don't die, among whatever other things you need to do to survive. Women, on the other hand, in every way from their appearance and behavior, are designed to try and manipulate or trick you into doing these things and dying for them.
It's the men are disposable and women belong up on a pedestal way above you paradigm. You make believe being tough and mighty and somehow doing the right thing is 'virtuous', and that the woman actually appreciates your sacrifice, but in reality it's simply not the case and you're the biggest cuck sucker of them all. Yes, there are both right and left wing cucks. You're simply preaching right wing, white knight cuck-ism.
Whether you want to believe it or not, there are several party stopper, terminal traits of women that make a long term investment in them completely pointless: hypergamy, monkey branching, selective sociopathy against men, and 100% denial of accountability. Nature always trumps nurture. Even if you're a self-proclaimed 10/10, the hypergamous nature of a woman is designed to attempt to replace you with another 10/10 with 1% more income and 1% more social status, or non-existent 11/10. Hypergamy makes it not even possible for a woman to be happy, they're simply temporarily "settling" at all times until they can find something better.
This is why the overwhelming majority of divorces are filed by women. It is your job to waste your life supplying them with infinite entertainment and resources, their job to simply show up, and the second they get bored or see a better option, they're gone. The only thing that stops their hypergamy from going full retard is their looks start to fall off a cliff at age 25-30, so they're forced into attempting the long con of marriage to secure something while it lasts.
This doesn't mean you can't enjoy having sex with women or whatever, it just means that while many white knight cucks do have the best interests of women in mind, the interests of women are almost always to the detriment or at the expense of a man in the form of their time, resources, freedom, and everything else. Why enter into a legal agreement for indentured servitude and get married if you don't have to?