The basis of human interaction in trade is barter. I give you some type of object you want for what I want. Since humans adopted specialization of labor, they started to use an intermediary, Macguffin-like instrument to reduce friction of trade. There is no guarantee this Macguffin instrument will ever be redeemable for anything of value. In fact, anything of zero intrinsic value to humans will inevitably return to that exact value and be unredeemable for anything.
This is why Aristotle said the only stable form of money is a commodity currency of intrinsic value (to human civilizations) and why Plato was wrong. If the Macguffin has no intrinsic value, it's simply a system of faith and faith collapses. If you're using a real commodity currency, it's value can go up or down, but it's not possible for it to implode to nothingness and bring down the ENTIRE SYSTEM.
There's a lot of stupid fucks on this forum, and they think I'm joking, but the simple fact that humans were led astray off this sustainable path of metals as commodity money might mean when the paper currency collapses, it could cause a dark ages that humans never recover from and everyone goes back to the stone ages. Or will we go back to metals as money once again with some great upheavel in between. We'll see. A fake commodity currency - imaginary, valueless crypto-tokens, are zero difference from fiat paper in the above scenario. They would implode to zero and cause the same problem.
Did you or did you not make profit on
BTC & swapped it for a "real commodity" such as silver? There is your
barter right there.
And please stop the contradiction between Plato & Aristotle. They all have their opinion with outdated data. Welcome to the present.
There is nothing outdated about the Plato vs Aristotle argument on money. It applies now just as then. And since you're unable to read between the lines here, and what inevitably happens to imaginary tokens of no value whether it's fiat or bitcoins, trading bitcoins for metals is simply the act of exiting the house of cards before it falls over.
The value of a bitcoin started at zero, and on a long enough timeline it's going to be zero again. Anyone who disagrees with that statement is an obvious con artist. It's only a question of what is the duration of start to finish. When it's so obvious that is the case, you're required to be a scammer in the first place to even promote it as a solution when there are superior instruments already existing (physical metals) that do not suffer such problems.
Trying to convince people who think you are a mentally ill retard to buy Silver when its a worthless relic of the past is a lost cause Virgin Roach.
You have never converted a single person to buy your bags of metal before they crash to 1 dollar an ounze. We convert people to Bitcoin all the time as we march to 100k and drive you deeper down the rabbit hole of insanity each day. Saying Bitcoin has no value proves your low iq and retarded nature. Your scrawny virgin hero Andrew Anglin knows Bitcoins are the most valuable thing in his life as it is the primary funding of your favorite clown website.
Here is your beta male hero telling readers of your favorite site to buy Bitcoin
"Bitcoin is the Only Way to Donate
If you don’t currently use Bitcoin:
You should find a Bitcoin exchange that does business with your country, buy Bitcoin there, withdraw it to your own wallet and then send it from your wallet to the Stormer’s address. If this sounds difficult, find a friend or a nephew or ask your kids or grandkids that are nerds how to do this." will he change name to dailyBitcoiner?