Old sideways going on, with quick small minibarts and debarts.
I just started a new trading strategy with my play money.
It should be low profit, but low maintainance as well.
I'm waiting to see how it pays out.
The way understand scalping, maintenance is not that low.
I'm trying a small ladder on the long side and one on the short side, but I don't let them slip overboard: I set up the positions to close as soon as they get at the first profiting step on their respective side.
Price increments of 100$ seem to be a little too coarse for the current market movements. Maybe I should try 50$, although it requires a bit more work.
What I hope to achieve: locking in any profit on both the long and short side, as soon as it materializes. Keeping the positions small enough to be safely underleveraged. I aim at liquidation prices around 150-200$ for the long side and 40k+ for the short side. What I have achieved in 2 days: some change (0.3%) with minimal fuss. With 50$ increments I would have made approximately 3x as much, so in the 1% ballpark. I plan to move profits to cold storage as soon as they exceed, say, 10%.