But why would any otherwise halfway intelligent adult buy any crappy, overpriced low-quality Apple product?
1. it used to be better (and maybe still is) than windows crap. I had to run W10 at home on a couple of PCs. It is the most ridiculous "nanny" system ever. Always bothers you with endless updates that is difficult to switch off.
2. less chances of a complete sellout of ALL of your data which happens on Google phones. I bought cheaper google phone once or twice. The first thing it/they did was to MANDATORY link me/the phone to my gmail account. F that! On Apple, you can choose to opt out of everything that you don't want.
3. I am a 12 year girl. /s
Used to be better? When? The 1980s?
Windows95 left the Mac world in the dust and they didn't start to come close to catching up until they got rid of the old Motorola and IBM CPUs and switched to Intel. Even then Windows and Linux-based systems consistently posted better benchmarks.
Windows10? I wouldn't use that either. I'm strictly Windows7. Of course I turn off all updates.
Nanny system? That's how I consider Apple. Why do you have to use malware like iTunes just to do a factory reset of an apple device or transfer media files from a PC through a USB cable? Why do they want you to identify yourself and make you jump through hoops just to make an anonymous account. Why even have accounts?
At least you can use Android without a Google account. Just download APK files, copy them over via USB, and install them with your file manager. Voila, no "apps" store, "play" store or any other store. Just install your mobile programs and run them.
Of course you have to remove any SIM cards and not enter any wifi passwords so the slimeballs can't connect to you until you've got your system set up.
I realize not everybody prizes privacy and anonymity. Those who do avoid Apple, Google, and anything Microsoft after Win7.
In fact, avoid anything made by an American (or by extension Japanese, S. Korean, Taiwanese etc.) corporation. Trust only open-source, vetted by a worldwide community of volunteers.
Ever wonder why after all those years of product registration, activation and rigorous anti-"piracy" schemes, Microsoft not only started giving away their flagship product for free, but shoved it down people's throats? Same with their #2 product, their office productivity suite? Where are their revenues coming from now?
Face it neither Bill Gates, nor Larry Page nor the late Steve Jobs, nor anyone else wants to be waterboarded at Guantanamo Bay.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I'm not a conspiracy denier either.