A solid piece, but why are we languishing at $4K, then?
From my perspective, bitcoin always does something least expected.
In the summer of 2017 I was afraid that a split would be very difficult to digest.
Instead, we moved from $1K almost straight to 20K.
I was expecting a correction, but I wasn't "really" waiting for a 83% plunge that is definitely NOT typical for $200 bil value assets, unless it is a commodity like sugar.
I expected smarter minds in finances (WS) picking up crypto because there is no other way out of the current economic predicament.
They got to realize this at some point.
However, lately, reading upon all horrible stories about environmental destruction (read on insect apocalypse, for example-it is all true as I have my own life observations confirming this OR testosterone levels reduction going on for several generations already), I start to think that maybe we, humans, set ourselves on some kind of a suicide path.
If that is the case, ignoring crypto (as a salvation) is EXACTLY what doomed societies are going to do.
Maybe a Great Filter (of Fermi's paradox fame) is not behind, but right in front of us.
Count me (at the moment) as disappointed.