I thought I'd spread a little of the opinions and information I've gathered over the last few days about the BCH split.
CSW doesn't want a fork, he currently controls over 51% of the hash on BCH, and if unchanged this would allow him to prevent a fork and not allow any of his opponent's blocks to form a chain.
CSW claims they have enough resources to do this for 2 years, and will do this no matter what the price on exchanges. This is really scaring the shit out of Roger and Jihan.
On the other hand Jihan controls/influences a shit ton of hash on BTC, which he can switch over to BCH if he wants to fight. If this is the case the war could go on for a long time, depleting both of their funds (through unrecouped electricity costs, because no doubt mining will be very unprofitable, more so, if the price crashes).
CSW has laid his cards on the table, and it's pretty clear he intends to fight, but Roger & Jihan have been hostile in response, but I'm not aware of what their strategy will be.
The war may also involve code based attacks on each software implementation, devs may not have hash power but they are inventive enough to exploit weaknesses in each others code.
As a BTC maximalist I want the war to go on for a long time resulting in less cash reserves for both money both Jiahn and CSW. Although the risk to BTC is well over the horizon at the moment, it is no doubt the destruction of BTC that is in both their long games, and whoever wins this hash war will be embolden to collect financial partners/investors (state sponsored?) and eventually turn on BTC.
Profit? At this pumped up fork price, I think the only direction for the price is downwards.
Unless one of them capitulates which I don't think is very likely, their will be many large re-orgs and a major loss in confidence by BCH's holders and users, exchanges won't allow trading until things settle down, but how long could that be?
Interesting Sources:
Vin Armani
http://didyouknowcrypto.com/hash-wars/ - this guy still wrongly believes hash power is king, but it's an interesting listen.
CSW with Tone Vays