You are hardly convincing.
How could you be in a position to be making "decent profits" at any point in time if you are continuously spewing bear scenarios?
If you attempt to live anywhere near your prophecies, then you are not going to have very much of your possible investment capital in bitcoin. Therefore you are quite likely to be way under invested into bitcoin during times in which the exponential price increases take place.
As the old saying goes, "you gotta be in it to win it" and bitcoin has a relatively low number of real bull days during any particular calendar year.. even during bull years... so if you are nearly always preaching the bear scenario, then you are likely going to largely miss out on those bull days, when they do occur.
It was meant to say "decent profit since 20k peak".
There is an element of truth to what you say. I didn't hold any bitcoin from after i got wiped out to now, just alts (traded some btc from late 2017). made about 2000% by this time last year. sold all my alts well before the peak. if i'd held bicoin and sold at the exact peak that would be about 1500% profit. made almost 400% trading since Dec 2017. So since, i guess approx mid 2014 (i can't remember the date), thats about 8000% in 4 years. That's a conserative estimate.
But i did't have much to start with, so still very small fry, but im happy and very greatful.
I suppose that it takes all types, and even those betting against bitcoin can make profits, even though it would be a lot more difficult to do so, especially when the price had gone up nearly 80x between late 2015 and late 2017...
But, yeah there were a lot of bear periods in there too... and like you mentioned additional bear periods in 2014.
i wasn't really betting against bitcoin, just had nothing left, so had to take bigger risks with relitivly unknown alts. It could have gone the other way, but the crypto gods were favorable. I have only shorted bitcoin a handful of times, and even then low amounts.
I have nothing against bitcoin, my only problem is bitcoin evangelists, that only see bitcoin is going in one direction, and try to make out your point is not even worth contesting. I would reconmend anyone to buy bitcoin, but proceed with caution and buy at the right time. Now could be the right time, or it could be later.
But as for "continuously spewing bear scenarios?" , I haven't, there are a few short term bullish posts too. But if you want to challange that fine, just bear in mind as per my post on 20th Jan 2018, I sold my trade at 12800, and it never got close to that price again. So until the price is above that, i was right to be mainly bearish for that time.
Im short term bullish atm, which may become long term or may not.