Most of investing is done with borrowed money lol. There is such a thing as good debt. But if you're happy with your financial situation, then good for you. Keep doing you.
Yeah, so the thieving bankers want everyone to think.
To the extent that Mister_Success is NOT acting too arrogant for his own smarts, he does seem to make a decent point regarding the leveraging of money towards appreciating assets instead of depreciating assets, so in that regard, sometimes, borrowing money can be a good tool to leverage a person into a better position that might not be within his options if he were not able to utilize loans. Sure traditional banks have devolved, especially the bigger ones that have gotten involved in the sucking off of the money printing tits... so in that regard, there are some, so called banks that no longer service the needs of regular peeps. So, in regards to investing in bitcoin, it would be better to invest into bitcoin rather than fiat, so could be profitable to use some credit in order to leverage your bitcoin investment - though it can be a dangerous game, when it comes to highly volatile assets such as bitcoin, so you have to play your cashflows smartly, if you do not want to get rekt based on short term expectations, when bitcoin does seem to be longer term profitable.