In regards to your clickable link, that is pretty interesting to put right around 745 images ((31*24)+1) in one 30-31 second clip... I was very tempted to just throw it into this response as an image, since many guys
(and gal) tend to be reluctant to click on links, even when your description had already mostly prepared us
(the reader who presumptively possesses some kind of a click-button function) for what it is.
Seeing the whole month like that contributes to my wee bit of curiosity regarding whether that $49k-ish sell wall is going to end up reappearing when (if?) we start to get back into the $44ks.. and surely if the sell wall had been removed, it could potentially return, but such sell wall of similar quantities of cornz "supposedly for sale" would not necessarily need to be placed at the same exact price point as it had been previously placed.
So even though I began to employ a kind of strategy of selling around 10% for every doubling of the BTC price, I never really depleted my status of being overinvested into bitcoin because due to BTC's price appreciation and inspite of my continuing to sell on the way up starting from $250, the amount of my allocation to bitcoin went from 13.5% in late 2015 to nearly 80% in late 2017 and then corrected back down to its lows of 45% at various points of 2018 and even the correction of 2020 did not bring my holdings below having around a 55%-ish allocation into bitcoin.. and so even with such practices, I believe that I had some highs that were in the 90%-ish arena, and then maybe currently I am around 75%-ish.. so I continue to be quite overallocated in terms of my original goal of 10%, but then I think that i also could adjust my allocation to 25%, but that still does not cause my 75% to come down unless I sell on the way up, which largely I continued to be quite conservative in my own practices, and I am doubting if I am ever going to really resolve the matter, because I have come to a newer philosophy about letting your winners ride.. even though there is still a kind of underlying justification to be able to sell whenever I want in order to keep the bitcoin allocation into some kind of control.. because I am thinking that the correction in 2022 when we were at our lowest of around $15,479 in 2022, I probably still was not probably not less than 65% allocated in bitcoin as compared with my other quasi-liquid assets in my investment portfolio..
That's a huge overallocation
I have mixed feelings about it, and surely a significant part of my whole bitcoin holding and/or bitcoin portfolio management philosophy has been to try to figure out how to find and to maintain comfort points to such a level that I am mostly emotionally neutral in regards to BTC price direction (especially in the short term, but surely even trying to apply that towards the longer term, too.. even though emotional neutrality is likely not 100% achievable).
I had come to conclude that my system of selling on the way up and buying on the way down helps to achieve what I mostly believe to be emotional neutrality, and some folks engage in reallocation from time to time, and others maybe invest a lot less and then just let it ride.. so there are various ways to deal with an attempt to maintain some semblance of emotional neutrality, to the extent possible.
By the way, another thing that I believe causes some level of emotional neutrality for me is that even when I got into bitcoin, I considered that my whole non-BTC holdings could support my lifestyle, and when I invested into bitcoin, I did not take from any of those investments, and sure even the first year or two that I was in BTC, I did not really add to any of my traditional investments either, I largely just let my BTC allocation get to the point that it was which was 10% in late 2014 and around 13.5% in late 2015... so if we look at the performance of my non-BTC investments, they largely increased in value by around 80%-ish in 10 years while BTC increased in value by around 40x (even if we measure from the top of the 2013 price points, which might still not be fair to BTC, but that's ok... it still kicked ass compared to traditional investments, absent some abilities of people to be able to have had picked some select stocks rather than my largely having various diversification in various index funds, bonds and properties)
I am about 23% invested in bitcoin (of my original 5%, and after 20% liquidation in 2021) and this rate above 20% still bothers me sometimes. But I think I am not that overinvested.
O.k. .. from your forum registration date, you may well be very similar to me in terms of starting at the top of a cycle, but just one cycle later, and maybe some of your numbers end up coming out differently based on the 2021 cycle top not being as extreme as the 2017 cycle top.. ... .. but gosh I have so much trouble to consider shaving off large portions of BTC.. so maybe I have some mental deficiencies that I side so much in favor of incremental sales rather than selling in chunks, even though perhaps once in a while there may well end up being some benefits to selling larger than my customary chunks... yet I have gone through some tweaking from time to time.. .. so for example, if I had some sales that were set to be selling 1% every time that the BTC price went up 10%, then maybe I would adjust my sales amount down to three or 0.8% at the beginning of a run and then anticipate that I will increase it to 1.2% towards the end of the run, so then I change my incrementalism in incremental ways to try to be less aggressive in certain points and then more aggressive in other points, and if the BTC price does not end up performing as expected, then I might end up having some regrets about how I had structured it since the whole cycle did not end up playing out, only part of it did...
It is like the guy who gets pissed off in the last cycle because he had his sales set at $85k, $115k and $145k in the last cycle, and none of his sales ended up getting hit, so then he is stuck with having to wait a whole another cycle for the possibility of making his sales to the extent that he does not end up adjusting them upwards, but at least with mine, they are more incremental, so I still end up getting something out of my choices because various of my sales are sure to hit and they are also going to end up being somewhat close to the top, even if I don't have any chunk sales in there.. which surely I consider to be less stressful, because I establish them in advance and I don't really need to get BIG numbers to have satisfaction all along the way. Almost like continuous satisfaction. hahahahaha
There are good opportunities outside crypto ecosystem too (I think even bonds were interesting last year)
If you are referring to USG Ibonds, I have a hard time getting excited about those kinds of ploys, even though I understand that some folks did get into those, but really not a great time to be taking from BTC, but sure if you have cash sitting around, maybe it would be o.k. to lock it up into those nominally appreciating products that have questionable real term performance...especially if we saw what had been happening in 2020 and thereafter with a lot of the money printer go burr matters..and the likely desperation of the US Govt. in some respects, even though the USD remains the strongest of the weak fiat currencies.
I am personally starting to build a small stash of uranium etf, thinking about nuclear energy expansion, and it has been performing quite well.
some commodities might make sense.. sure.
But BTC still has a better thesis than most assets and I think it will surprise everyone again with new ATHs. I will try to liquidate using this new tool we developed, and I will try to understand this rake strategy too which I didn't read yet.
Surely customizing the tools to your own circumstances remains a good thing.
The raking one does seem more applicable to someone who might feel that he has not quite accumulated enough BTC yet, even though both of them do seem to presume a status of overaccumulation, and we can define our "overaccumulation" levels however, we believe makes sense to us.
Another thing with the
website one, with the monthly withdrawals, that one could be used for a particular set aside stash, so if a person has 20 BTC, then maybe he might choose to ONLY put 10 BTC into the formula, or if he decided to put the whole thing in there, then maybe he chooses a real low withdrawal rate that might ONLY be 2% since he considers himself to be more in a growth phase. .but at the same time, there can be a bit of futility that is felt for anyone to be engaging in selling of any of his BTC when in the whole scheme of things, he may well consider himself to be in a BTC accumulation phase.
Happy new year to the WO gang from my secret location.
You look like you are in a hole (after an avalanche). Hopefully you are able to get out. Maybe you won't want to have your location so secret when you are wanting us to call for help (on your behalf).
Also, since there is no WO sign, any of us should be questioning authenticity.
First post of the year must be made in the WO thread!
Just a reminder that 2024 will be the year of 100k!
Ok.. I will remember to come to you when I want my money back.