It is somewhat sad that it might not happen for those over 60 (not enough time, probably, but not necessarily), but 50ies and below should have benefit from something like this:
The critical point is this:
We already know HOW to rejuvenate cells, so the problem is of engineering the process with the most benefit and least side effects (which could be significant).
Temporarily "pulsing" Yamanaka factors (basically four transcription factors) in mice in an optimal fashion resulted in 30% lifespan increase.
Achieving similar results in humans would mean 80 yr--->104 yr average lifetime expansion.
At least half a dozen of well to very well financed companies are in pursuit.
I'll give it 20 years, at most, for a solution.
I have yet to meet an 80 year old who wants to live another 24 years in pain and demented misery. Life extension < Life quality