I’m done quoting your lies and exposing your evil ways, as this - much like everything - has come to an end.
I will change my password to a random XX extra long digit one, and will never ever log in again, so in any future event that this might happen, well, it’s just not me.
Of course, retrieving and changing the password from the email associated remains an option for now, until it is not.
Not much I want to elaborate really, my post history speaks for itself.
All I can say is that this journey - would not have been possible without your pure - and intentional - evil wickedness.
I used to be a man who thought that we make our own destiny and our fate, but now I’ve become a man of faith and the unchanging eternal fate, so I must thank you for that.
@eXPHorizon, brother, special thanks to you.
You are wasting your valuable time with these cunts, much like I wasted mine, but enough is enough.
Your pointers were the ones that put me straight on my path, so I thought you should know that.
I’m certain that our paths will meet again - in the not so distant future - besides, I guess you know how to get hold of me - and you will always be welcome.
I could not say goodbye without a last song.
This one is a Greek song, purely for a male audience, which I urge any human listening to it, to dig deep into the simple lyrics - as every single word is important and of great value - even if you don’t like the style or genre:
Bρέχει Φωτιά Στην Στράτα Moυ - Στράτoς Διoνυσίoυ
This fire that has burned me,
For my poor youth,
nobody will shed any tears.
Life - life ends here,
My candle is going out,
And the soul, the soul like a swallow,
Departs from my lips.
Bitter waves over my bow,
And the sails lying in shreds,
Not even your brother - my boy,
Did not care for you.
Life - life ends here,
My candle is going out,
And the soul, the soul like a swallow,
Departs from my lips.
Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a certain man who wanted to kill a powerful man.
In his own house he drew his sword and stuck it into the wall in order to find out whether his hand could carry through.
Then he slew the powerful man."