I don't know. This is madness. There is a second-layer shitcoin market that's currently all the rage on bitcoin, but the bubble has to pop at some point. Its gonna be brutal for them, good for everyone else.
Actually this is a good thing.
Btc = a large t-bill do not make small moves with it.
Ltc and Doge = small value moves.
So buy small amounts of LTC And DOGE for small money moves.
Stack btc at an exchange until it is at least 1000 value then move it to you wallet. 1000 moved for 20 bucks is not the end of the world.
As for miners (me) this is a good christmas.
BTW fees for btc will never be under 5 sats for extend periods of time. once the ½ ing happens.
I know of five or six ways big pools can jack fees at a profit to them.
If a dummy like me knows them the pools also know them.
Simplest one downclock you gear on the first 3 days of a jump. You save on power bigly. You clog the pool.
Fees go up. ⬆️ On fourth day put your gear on full speed.
You pull in bigger fees and more blocks.
That is an unstoppable method. ( I can not conceive of a fix for this)
And that method works better and better as each ½ ing passes.
Using LTC and DOGE as a makeshift Layer 2 is certainly a good plan. For now. I just paid some webhosting bills for one of my BTC nodes using LTC. The problem is they have the exact same issue as Bitcoin in the end. This plan will not work forever. If everyone starts using Litecoin for little purchases then the fees will explode.
I will resist going into the reason why just making the block size larger will also not work. But altcoins built on the Bitcoin codebase will eventually fall under their own weight. Or their fees will go just as high (or conceivably higher).
We have several scaling methods emerging that solve some of the problems of trying to use Layer 1 chains.
Lightning is way better than LTC/Doge because it is working as a completely different network with different tradeoffs from Bitcoin. We can do literally billions of transactions on Lightning and keep no central permanent database of those transactions. So no bloated blockchain to drag around, and to cause centralization in the end. Also this adds some privacy.
Liquid is a blockchain model that is run by people who can do enterprise level file storage, bandwidth and compute (that is if anyone ever uses it). This blockchain is somewhat centralized by design, and the benefit is the people who run it are incentivized to offer a good fee to do transactions on it. It has the potential to obsolete both LTC/Doge and ETH. Because the tradeoffs ALLOW for a giant blockchain. But we still have the base layer to come home to.
Other scaling projects will emerge, as well as forks of the above two. But those are the ones that are ready for action today.
I am aware that neither of these two solutions is adopted enough to use in all cases. This is why I did not web hosting transaction in LTC. But the sooner the better... because the other plan just doesn't work. It can't scale.