Regarding my personal strategy, I have not been shy of sharing it through my more than 4 years in bitcoin as I have employed the strategy and how I have tweaked the strategy over the years.
So get the fuck out of here with your assertion that I am merely blindly holding or that I am a bag holder...
If you are 4 years in Bitcoin, you should be at least millionaire by now. Why are you discussing at crap level in the internet then? Just hire a hitman on that guy for pocket money
This forum can be used as a means to discuss various strategies when it comes to bitcoin investing - looking at short term or long term price dynamics, and of course from time to time, people are going to differ in their opinion and their approach.. some will be more and some will be less profitable, including strategies that might start out with greater or lesser levels of capitalization.
Some folks participate in this thread because they are trying to create price effect, rather than merely reading the effects, and some folks here find that kind of behavior annoying.
My buying and trading of BTC strategy has been doing pretty well for me, but I am still ready, willing and able to learn from others, and willing to share information about my strategies and experiences, too...
I <3 your avatar text...
I am actually around 2 to 3% too, yet I think that I am creating a bit of a trick question with the concept of "needed" since there are so many alt coin pumpers who try to suggest diversification within crypto is "needed" .. but really they are frequently diluting their bitcoin holdings with a bunch of shit.
Exactly, as out of app. 500 billion cap of all crypto, BTC has app 170 billion share at the moment. Imagine all those alts weren't existed at all and BTC would be much more worth in value.
Would like to see that calc if someone can offer?
And one other thing, please don't throw up, saw somewhere ICO market cap is currently 9 billion (all above in $US)...
I am not really against investing in various alts or ICOs; however, I think that one of my BIG beefs and motivation for my slogan is that a lot of peeps seem to get misled into some kind of crypto diversification approach right from the start of their investment, and they don't know shit about anything that they are investing into and just throwing wet noodles at the wall and hoping that some of them stick.
So, in fact, if you know how to focus, then you might be able to choose a few alts and do really well for yourself in the short term, but if you are blindly investing, and you don't really know, then it is likely better to start with dollar cost averaging into bitcoin first. Study up on it, and maybe diversify later, if you believe it could be helpful to you, and probably not with a large percentage - but instead keeping the vast majority in bitcoin.
A lot will depend on the individual, including the extent to which the individual has traditional investments, and also age plays some role too, even though youthfulness should still not give a complete license to being overly risky (though youthfulness does allow for some additional risks with the understanding that you have more time to make up for any shortfalls that might happen with risky investments that did not turn out good - but the goal should still be attempting to invest in profitable assets when possible and to attempt to learn how to do it better for your own situation rather than an initial blindness that might be true for most crypto newbies).