I can admit that, if this was an enterprise, the blocksize increase would have come first as a temporary fix whilst the real scaling solution (LN) was being finishing development/tests/deployment/adoption etc... But it is not... decentralization has its pros and cons.
This is a key thought. We have not really had the crypto go-live yet. We are still in the testing phase. Those of us in this community buying Christmas gifts with purse.io and planning our yacht purchases do not live in the real world where crypto is still only magic internet money.
Thing is... there can never be a hard go-live date. It is happening little by little over time. This *is* going to make most "enterprise" production systems look like tiddly-winks.
We will NEVER have a better time than now to implement the needed scaling solutions to serve 7 (8, 9 10) billion people.
The current transaction fees are growth pains on the way to a new world.
No one said it would be easy.