Jesus was real. was he the son of god did he raise from the dead 💀 ? Was not there I do not know.
lots of saints were real people.
were the real saints. was not there I do not know.
Indeed... Adam and Eve, Noah's ark and talking snakes could have been real too. I don't know, I wasn't there.
Yeah, I have no doubt back in the olden days some dude in sandals went around preaching his stuff.
Just like these televangelists do today and suck in the gullible. Difference being, back than science was basically non existent, so I don't blame the average goat herder
for believing every word out of this Jesus character's mouth and becoming a cult follower.
Then the apostles (or whatever you call em) assembled their fairy tales into a book of made up bullshit, sold it to the masses, and voila, Christianity.
2000 years later and still to this day, its the biggest hoax ever pulled on mankind... AKA religion.
One would think in this day and age of science and technology etc. folks would be laughing at the silly beliefs the ancients had.
But you would be wrong.
2023, and a vast swath of the worlds population still believe in superstitious nonsense.