You are talking about Saylor being short of breath, and I
did not really notice that.
Like at 12:05, 14:30, 17:04...etc (Lopez's vid)
You'll have to watch at a normal speed, not 2x or 3X
That said, maybe it is his habit, that's all.
I think that he does have a habit of huffing and puffing, so I would not know if there is some kind of unhealthiness to his present state of purported paleness.. .
I saw so much Saylor that I have to watch him at around 1.5x to 2x, and my youtube does not go faster than 2x.. so I think that I was watching around 2x.. .
By the way, I just thought about his statement that bitcoin cannot be seen (or appreciated) unless you are a motivated person.. or a person in need of bitcoin, which holy fucking shit, that is so true that I probably would not have ever seen bitcoin if I had not been in a position in late 2013 in which I was moving away from my 401k, and so I was specifically in a place to be looking for something to supplement my earlier 401k, and since my 401k seemed to have had been such a great deal, I probably would have been blind to bitcoin if I had not found myself in that exact position of actually looking for some kind of a 401k substitute (or really a supplement since I did not get rid of my already existing 401k, I was ONLY no longer going to be actively contributing to it starting in early 2014)..
So I was kind of in a decently good financial and psychological position with decent amount of money that I had available going into early 2014 and then even most of 2014.. and that I wanted to invest and something to supplement my 401k and even my thinking that I wanted something that would be a hedge against the dollar (and that was my then thinking at that particular time, whether it was a justified kind of thinking or not, that kind of thinking caused bitcoin to resonate with me and my then circumstances). .. ..kind of like, being in the right place at the right time.. .. even though a "more right time" in regards to bitcoin's price would have been earlier (like 2012 or even earlier rather than later in 2013), but beggars cannot be choosers.. and in 2012 and even most of 2013, likely I was not even in a financial or mental position to get bitcoin (or to see it).