Is there going to be a BCC fork no matter what conditions? I heard some people say that it would only be if UASF split off or something? I am a bit out of the loop.
From what I understand, it is a done deal.
While the BIP91 activation took the wind out of UASF's sails, there is a growing perception that many simply lied about the 2X portion. This creates incentive to carry through with the BCC fork. Having a viable BCC when the Nov 2X date rolls around changes the game theory significantly.
However this plays out, it'll be a good show. And while Bitcoin may take a temporary hit in the process, it will likely come out the other end stronger. For the market will have informed the proper course of action.
Your premise about bigblockers being tricked through the segwit2x in terms of the 2x not being intended is ridiculous. With the whole segwit2x matter, there was an attempt of the bigblockers to trick others to adopt a 2x, a hardfork and a change in consensus - however, even their plan seemed to go in a direction that they did not expect because the fact of the matter is that there is little to no support for the 2x, the hardfork and the change in governance - but the fact that there is little to no support is not going to stop the various bigblock nutjobs to continue to whine about being tricked.. when they are merely distorting reality to attempt to make it looks like their following is much greater than it actually is.
Just clarifying for the sake of truth. Depending upon the sequencing of things, Bitcoin Cash may be no more altcoin than is SegWit coin (which is somewhat playfully starting to be referred to as Bitcoin-Jr)
You and your big blocker buddies seem really angry, to be devolving into new name calling and spin terms to attempt to perpetuate various made up bullshit.
Well, JJG, you remain as clueless as ever. How do you get 'angry' out of the above? And what exactly is the bullshit? Either choice going forward is a change to Bitcoin. If one path forward is an alt, then so is the other.
Well maybe I am exaggerating a little bit to make a point about your seemingly ongoing bitterness towards Core personalities, or maybe your mistaken belief that there is a large level consensus out there for bigblocks than the reality of the matter?
You certainly don't come off as a dumb person - but you just seem to be engaged in ongoing nonsense of pushing your various conclusions about the supposed preferability of big blocks - and likely you remain deluded based on getting caught up in politics and a lack of willingness to accept the core process as legit and fair.
When is segwit likely to be activated?
it is approximately 2480 blocks (464 blocks left in this period plus 2016 blocks in the next period)
and if there are 144 blocks per day, then that is approximately 17.2 days from today. That means about August 10 - ish ( or 9-ish or 11-ish). No?
Well, your reasoning is good, but your 144 blocks/day figure is low. Hashpower growth has been outrunning difficulty again. Recent intervals are averaging closer to 8-1/2 minutes. If this continues, you'll get your segwit locked in that much sooner.
I likely agree with you here.
For the reasons stated by you above and for other reasons, I thought that the 144 blocks per day was too low, but I was using that approximate figure based on a suggestion of Marcus de augustus.... ... so yeah considering about 8.5 minutes per block would change the calculation by a day or two.. and I was merely speaking about some kind of general estimate anyhow, I suppose.