In simple terms, why you should hope cryptocurrency dies and gold and silver defeats them:
All cryptocurrencies are inherently rent seeking usury systems and a pseudo form of debt based currency if you will. The PoW chain does not just magically stay up on it's own, it requires a constant upkeep to exist at all (rent). A peer to peer physical gold or silver transaction can be done with no overhead cost; they're the equivalent of an off-chain transaction with no middleman or monopoly man gouging you with usury fees.
Cryptocurrency is completely different. Even if you attempt to do off-chain transactions via something like lightning network, or even in-person transactions with physical bitcoin bearer bonds, the transactions ALWAYS have to be settled on-chain eventually, so you are NEVER escaping the rent seeking usury system. Since the blockchain is highly scaling constrained, it's like condeming yourself to extreme usury in the end game. Bitcoin PoW is designed to centralize and the cartels running the mining operations will either be taken over by TPTB who already run the current system, or will just be a recreation of them in practice.
The further you abstract money away from barter, the larger a scam it is. Only physical commodity based currencies are sound money that remove middlemen while allowing you to escape the debt based, rent seeking usury system.
Let me tell you why I don't like gold and silver, and also I think they will become redundant:
- Gold & Silver can be scanned trough borders, because those are in the group of some of the most dense metals. Those scanners are for radioactive materials, but they pick up gold, silver, copper very easy as well.
- The Solar System is full of gold & silver, and also the more economic growth the world will see, the more sophisticated equipment and bigger trucks will be invented for more efficient mining!!! Might I remember you that we have thousands of kilometers of matter under our feet??
- The population of the globe will start to decline. Mostly because of technology and higher education. So people that will live longer will just be complacent in their comfort zone and not drive economic panic of gaining wealth. Also there is a lot of real estate that needs to be used by lesser people.
So R0ach... get real!
(even if I might think in the short term in the next 2-3 years Gold & Silver are devalued and they will get back to better values... but then what??