But all your writing in huge letters doesn't change the fact that you don't have any hard evidence for it either (even if "most likely" true)
The corrupt financial entities and whales don't need to provide any evidence, hard or soft, of their cheating or manipulation of the markets. They are not going to provide any.
They just quietly do it on the DL.
Not saying you, but it's the total smooth brain retards that are constantly saying "Hurp durp, show us the hard evidence or it isn't happening/ doesn't happen."
It's the same smooth brain retards that always look for a "reason" behind every large green or red candle move, every rally or every crash. And the corrupt whales are always right there to give them one in the MSM to satisfy them.
"Why is Bitcoin rallying today?"
"Why is Bitcoin crashing today?"
"Oh I see, it happened because blah blah blah....because the news just told me why....blah blah blah..."