Hello WOrld.
Pleased to announce the resumption of my WCA, weed cost averaging, wherein one matches weed buys with corn buys. Seems like a bargain right now. In my opinion, the more than likely outcome is that a spot BTC ETF will be approved, which opens up an onramp of demand into the ecosystem. I suppose the counterpoint is that, 'they' have already bought enough supply to dump on all of our heads, after the new demand comes pouring in? Who had the weak hands?
But my main point, besides buddy blocking, is asking how or if, a selling ladder and DCA coexist. Perhaps the obvious answer is to continually update one's ladder?
And one more thing, how does not your keys not your coins coexist with not your digital numbers on a screen not your dollars, when keeping dollars on an exchange ready to buy the dip?
Be gone, shit poster!
Easy there Bro...
Can't chase away all the Newbies or all of us old facts will die off and the WO dies with us.
There was no CopyPasta there and no links to XTweeterShite. In fact he mentions an interesting DCA method (WCA).
I had an Uncle many years ago that was born in a dirt floor shack filled with 11 kids and died quite wealthy in his eighties. He was one of the brave fools that stormed the beaches in WWII. He once said the secret to his savings was to always save as much as he wasted. If he wanted a can of Coca-Cola, he'd only buy it if he could afford 2. He'd buy his Coke and put the Nickle for the second Coke in his other pocket to be added to his savings when he got home that night. His estate distributed a four bedroom house in the city on the edge of an exclusive golf course, 120 Acres of farm land with 60 head of cattle and crops waiting for harvest, a vacation house on the beach, and a secluded cabin in the mountains next to a trout stream. Not bad for a kid who got his first pair of hand-me-down shoes at age 6 so that he could walk to the local 1 room schoolhouse.
If you can afford weed, you can afford corns... seems sensible.
And the personal stress of worrying about how much fiat you trust to an exchange while waiting for a ladder buy to close... not looking much like a shitpost to me.
But then it is a pretty decent Dave Ramsey meme... so carry on, whatev's.