Been away for a short while and I see the price isn't looking too bad. I'm no techy so speak simply but....what's the situation with segwit and BU? What have I missed?
Fundamentals not changed? What's the reason for this fairly decent recovery from all that fud?
Thanks in advance.
asicboost "hack" is the new news! :-D
here is some more
Major Japanese retailers to embrace bitcoin payments
Kim Dotcom announces new Bitcoin venture for content uploaders to earn money
as for segwit and BU
Why Bitcoin doesn’t need a solution
seems like....
if fundamentals were negative then yes it has changed and quickly,
From the recent fud back to positive where it was a a month ago
reasons bitcoin is broken sounds like propaganda
Major Japan retailers and kimdotcom are smart peeps, they would not hedge their money on something that is broken