I don't really care which upgrade goes through as long as it goes smoothly (though I would really like to see Lightning Network go through) but seeing Litecoin double in price due to the likelihood of Segwit going through makes me want to see the same thing happen to bitcoin's price.
Make it so.
^Poon is a ninny! :-D i don't see the future of bitcoin based on LN adoption..not at all lulz
I just want to be able to run a LN node and make money from my CPU and network connection.
Kinda like what was promised by a certain cryptocurrency back in the day.
my gut tells you wont be able to run a LN node.
this is will be up to places like Stamps, Bitpay, Blockstream, etc to implement hubs.
besides the ridiculous programing expertise that will be required to set up hubs ( because "beta software" )
I bet the amount of bandwidth/CPU required to download/verify the nearly infinite number of highly complex BTC TX, will require a datacenter like setup.
your only hope for LN is to run a highly confusing UI which will allow you to send and receive money, but you gotta make sure to WATCH YOUR CHANNEL or you'll get fucked by the LN trolls!
discimaler: I'm 51% sure my above statements are
somewhat inaccurate .