Finex likely will not exist by the end of 2016
You have a right to your opinion, but when you are proclaiming in broad brushes, you sound more ridiculous than what you are attempting to rebutt.
Remember just last week after the exchange went down and after we heard about the news of their losses, many folks were proclaiming that they would never come back online again.. blah, blah, blah, the sky is falling.
In the last few days, Bitfinex has communicated a fairly decent plan forward...
Surely, the plan may not be anywhere near perfect, and the exchange may still be engaging in scammy behavior, but in the end, their outline of a plan seems to be a pretty fair attempt at balancing a few factors to create incentives for people to stay invested in using their exchange services and without making a run on the bank.
You are creating a strawman argument if you are asserting that anyone is really of the belief that business at Bitfinex is going to be "as usual."
There are some innovations with the Bitfinex planned way forward, and they are going to have to continue to finesse such plans, make better efforts at securing their platform and continue to communicate the efforts that they are employ.
There is no proof that the Finex hack was not an inside job. Anyone who can trust them after they seized 36% of your balance boggles my mind.
More or less you are correct that there is no proof that Finex hack was not an inside job, and there is no proof that it was, either.
Accordingly, absent direct evidence, we have a variety of inferences based on indirect evidence, and sure the whole set up looks fishy, but so fucking what? If we do not have direct evidence, then we got what we got, and a variety of people are going to come to a variety of conclusions in order to decide what to do and how to proceed. At this point, we are merely speculating because nobody has any access to any of the funds and the total Bitfinex website is read only.
Nonetheless, Bitfinex has communicated a plan that is going to allow them to reopen and to continue with a business model that may or may not generate confidence.. time will tell.
It is not crazy that people will trust and it is not crazy that people may be sceptical and only begin to trust slowly and it is not crazy that some people will NOT trust at all. It's called a variety of people, a variety of responses and Bitfinex is likely going to attempt to create a scenario that will cause an incentive for folks to continue to use their services or to begin to use their services (that's called new customers).
The tokens are there to limit their legal liability in this case, US traders(which btw I would wager make a huge portion of their base) won't even be able to "Trade" these tokens, which probably will nosedive in value once the "select few" get to trade these "tokens"
So are you saying that you don't want companies to engage in actions to limit their legal liability?
The creation of the coin may have been premeditated or not, and it doesn't really matter. The coin as being proposed as a means to force a loan onto their existing customer base, exactly as they described it.. and sure there is likely a bit of an experimental aspect concerning whether this will work or whether they will get away with it.
I will concede with you that the US customers are likely a large base.. maybe even half or more.. but, we don't really know at this point, and we don't really know the restrictions, yet, so it is likely a bit premature to speculate specifics concerning whether US customers are going to be completely stuck with the BFX coins or if there will be some liquidation avenues for the US customers.
Good for you, and of course, each of us are going to come to differing conclusions regarding the level of trust, if any to give.
Yes, there are way more exchanges now than there were in 2013, and exchanges are going to continue to develop.
I would not characterize Bitfinex as some kind of rinky dink exchange, because they did have the largest traded USD/BTC volume of any exchanges, but that passed standing does not necessarily mean that they are going to return to those old glory days.... but it also does not mean that they cannot build and regenerate enough good will in order to maintain such a leading spot.