i was afk.
[edited out]
its unclear what the BFX token will represent they clearly state that has not be decided, but appear to point toward shares representing some % of bitfinex which may or may not be dividend paying shares, based on some % of BFX net profits going forward.
this assumption is based on this line:
for shares of iFinex Inc.
if that is the case then i would imagine these tokens will not start off at zero
i would assume an IPO at a fixed price, followed by a open market for buy/selling "shares of iFinex Inc."
i look forward to learning more about these "shares of iFinex Inc.".
i'll consider the terms and conditions and might actually be a buyer, if i can....
Adam: Largely we agree; however, I would like to clarify a couple of points (and maybe even differences in our thinking).
you seem to be getting caught up in my assertion that the BFX coins (or the items that you want to emphasize as "shares" ) is going to have zero or near zero value at the outset...
it all depends on what these tokens represent.... if they represent a share in their company i dont understand why you would think its value would be 0.
Sure, BFX can structure the value of the BFX coins at whatever they like, yet in the end, since the BFX coins initially represent debt, they are going to represent the total 36% shaving that account holders are going to take.
it is my understanding that they will not really represent debt, but rather these tokens ( whatever their exact meaning is ) are payment in full of the 36% loss.
Hypothetically, one way of giving value to the coins is to recognize that the total loss was only 30%; however, since BFX wants to give some value to the coins, from the start, they use the additional 6% to create coin value out of the gate. I personally think that would be dumb to give the coins very much value, but yeah, they can structure the value assessment however they like... and maybe "zero" is not feasible;however, near zero would be more feasible.
what the tokens they hand out are have no meaning at this point, BFX will soon make an update probably describing exactly what these tokens represent and the terms and condition of holding this token.
So, yeah, in the end, we can consider this matter as share holders in a company.. If we hold accounts at bitfinex, we have been forced bail out shareholders in a company, and if we are not account holders in bitfinex, we can become share holders by acquiring some BFX coins, as you indicated.
but IMO they could have simply done the bail-in and leave it at that.
they are GIVING you shares in their company as compensation.
its not a half bad deal if you consider the alternative of taking them to court and having to wait years for what would end up being a repayment of pretty much the same as there bail-in ~65%.