>You must be getting really scared<
As scared as I get when I pass up buying a lotto ticket, which is to say "not at all."
You're being retarded, JJG. Stop being retarded.
BlindedByStick... I mean, Lambie... first you cite me out of context, so it makes my comment appear almost incoherent. Then you respond by blanketly denying and asserting that I am "retarded."
I suppose the job of a bank shill troll is to continue to attempt to put out content, even when the facts seem to speak against nearly your every assertion.
Surely, there is still an off chance that bear troll banker shills will be able to contribute to some kind of bitcoin price reversal, but it going to be difficult, now to bring us below $470.. not impossible, but difficult.
>bitcoin is much more than limited in supply [...] a decentralized storage of value that is both secure and immutable<
Wow. So many nights a lay awake, whispering into my tear-soaked pillow "if only there was a way to store my value in a fashion that's both decentralized and immutable!"
YEP>>>> exactly...... bitcoin happens to be a paradigm changer, and also happens to be addressing a lot of issues that you (and a lot of other folks) did not know to be issues that could be addressed by technology. So, yeah, a lot of people still do not know or recognize the power of THE BLOCKCHAIN (Bitcoin, that is).
>the first ever digital currency that solved the double spend problem... without asking for permission...<
And Ford's Model T was the first commercially successful mass-produced car. Percentage of the car market currently held by Model T? Zero. Zero percent. Because, like beetcoin, primitive, embryonic technology that failed to change with the times. We got
ETH better cars now
First of all, you comparison is kind of like comparing apples to oranges... Even though there are some similarities, bitcoin is quite different from the automobile...
And, really you are overrating ETH... ETH is not better than bitcoin. Sure ETH adds value to bitcoin and brings some potential innovations that bitcoin does not have, but ETH is not very secure (except possibly to the extent that it may be able to get some security through bitcoin)... and I guess this get's back to my earlier point, bitcoin is providing a value that is not provided by ETH... the decentralization, the immutable and the permissionless. ETH does not provide those attributes because it is quasi centralized, there is no powerful peer to peer system security the value of ETH... and therefore, it is very vulnerable to some kind of irreversible implosion... I am not certain that such an implosion will occur with ETH, but bitcoin offers much better attack tested foundations... It could get really ugly if some entity or individuals attempt to attack ETH in ways that Bitcoin had historically been attacked.
>Regarding the landlord <
Stop being a lazy sperglord and read before typing, k?
Other than Elmer's landlord (purportedly) accepting BTC, I know of exactly no landlords that do.
That said, Etherium is less than 2 years old. Tell me how many landlords were accepting BTC back in 2011.
>ETH is fuel for a vehicle
No. ETH simply has features which BTC does not. Think of BTC as a Model T, and ETH as a 911 with AC. Having air conditioning might be a pussy move for a 911, but having AC makes it no less of a car, and it'll still blow your Model T into the weeds with the AC blasting. Get it?
Your non-substantive response in this spot makes even less sense than your previous quasi-responses, which is not saying much.