So, we have 38 days until the halving. Price is at ~$530. KNC just went Bankrupt, There is no scaling solution. Is it realistic to expect moon? I think maybe we'll have moon like October, but I don't see really anything hugely positive unless all the demand comes from China due to ongoing currency devaluations. I'd like to see another leg up this weekend but I'm not sure anymore.
I'm giving you some benefit of the doubt, here, by responding... and in essence, you appear to be very deluded in your perspective.....
In that regard, you seem to placing way too much importance to a scaling non-issue that has become a talking point for big mouth trolls, financial shills, bitcoin denialists, ETH pumpers, deluded persons, bears hoping for the price to go down, and misinformed folks.
I could give you the benefit of the doubt by considering that potentially, you are a misinformed folk... and regarding the misinformed folks, some of them are more genuine than others concerning their legitimately being confused by this non-issue that has been made into an issue and overhyped.
Rather than scaling, as an issue, you should consider that bitcoin recently passed through the upper $400s resistance point.. and it did so over several months and after fighting off quite a bit of FUCD spreading.. Depending on how far you zoom out, this has not really been an overly radical price increase, so support seems pretty decent at this price point and puts bitcoin in a very decent place for an upward price launch..
Of course, nothing is for certain in bitcoinlandia - especially when we have manipulators and disinformation spreaders... but when you are talking about some kind of probablistic crash based on some fabricated scaling issue, you are really talking about a scenario that is less likely over an issue that is largely resolved.. and in that regard, if we have some kind of crash, some kind of real technical problem with bitcoin needs to be identified, or the FUCD spreaders are going to have to come up with something that is convinces normal persons to sell, because currently BTC's price pressures are upwards, and not downward, as you seem to be asserting with your superficial yesterday's news depiction of Bitcoin's current situation.