Sure... that is true. There are quite a few aspects to bitcoin, and bitcoin has been criticized fairly extensively (and some truth to it) regarding lack of user-friendly apps. Furthermore, frequently, people only want to spend so much time on any new activity... whether that be bitcoin or something else... So, maybe we may blame people for being dumb, and not mass adopting bitcoin - yet these time management and prioritizing are real issues whenever bitcoin is introduced to anybody.. and they make choices regarding the level of their introduction - what aspects are interesting to them and how they plan to use the technology, if at all.
It's like early days of the internet, and many people only ventured as far as their AOL account would easily take them... .remember dialing into an AOL account... hahahaha.. approximately mid-90s.. that kind of internet experience even lasted until 2006s.. and I believe is still provided some dial up version.
I remember telling a friend that Internet is a pyramid scheme. People who adopt now, will get the benefits that earlier users have already built.
It's a shame networks take tens of years to build and perfect. Ha ha
I mean look at our current central banking system. We perfected that for YEARS.
Well, yeah... any system that is built upon networks take a while to flesh out (whether internet, banks, telephone systems, fax systems or many other potentially analogous systems), yet probably a lot of us realize that the passed several years, and possibly a decade or longer have resulted in a lot of corrupting influences in banking (although there likely have been such corrupting influences building and building in the banking system for longer periods, including the past few hundred years that banking has become more and more sophisticated with the passage of time).
Bitcoin has a long way to go to become mass adopted as banking systems - and maybe we can hope that various decentralized mechanisms are going to remain in bitcoin for sometime in order to make it more difficult to corrupt in similar directions, like banking has seemed to become a kind of con job... Maybe also it will take a while for bitcoin to be taken over by narrow interests, at least during our life times.. - nonetheless, some corrupting influences are likely just unavoidable..
In bitcoin, we should realize that there are quite a few creative people working on various bitcoin applications and in other cryptos - and some of the creativity will likely result in new and improved user-friendliness, if that was kind of the original point regarding how people actually may be attempting to incorporate bitcoin into their experiences.