yep.. it was revealed to all of bitcoin today that coinbase has a low limits of only $10.000... i wonder what they do if you go over your limit on coinbase exchange ?? liquidate ur bitcoins for ya ?? i dont know, but it seems as though it is designed to limit the trading ability of people on their exchange.. due to the fact at how hard it is to get a limit raise on coinbase makes me think that their $10,000 limit is some kind of scheme they have cooked up. anyone know what happens if you go over coinbases $10,000 limit ??
Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you were a gimp?
Anyhow, you come up with some lame ass attempt to get your coinbase limit increased, and then you attempt to describe that as some kind of important event that reveals facts about the world beyond your lame ass and insufficient experience.
See more about this goofball at
of course, the forum troll who insults everyone he disagrees with. i asked a simple question and get this retarded response .
coinbase is shit.
and you can bitch and whine all you want about limits, you just get what you deserve.
thanks for permission... i think everyone deserves a higher limit than their gimpy $10k.
If anyone knows what is a Gimp, then it should be GimpyAssAztec.. no? See more at
in this regard, you are acting very misleading about coinbase because their general limit allows customers to buy $10k per day..