pms is where the buy is cuz they are artificially manipulated lower, while bitcoins is artificially manipulated higher .. there is reasons for the manipulation and is is doubtful good for us .
1. The PM indexes barely move with the amount of money involved in crypto. They are in the multi-trillion marketcap category. Crypto isn't getting any serious money from PMs. Bitcoin's marketcap is like one thousand of what Gold's marketcap is.
2. PMs do not really overlap the online transactions sector. They are just store of value. You can't pay someone over the internet if you have gold in your pocket. You can pay him with bitcoins though. That means that PMs and crypto are complimentary in this sense. Things might have been different with a decentralized e-gold equivalent, but physical ownership and physical transfer is not something that an algorithm can rule.
3. In terms of manipulation, owning Bitcoins is actually a hedge against the ongoing PM manipulation as the mechanisms existing in the gold manipulation 'industry' are not found in bitcoin.
4. Bitcoins are far more scarce than gold and silver. There are ~6 billion ounces of above ground gold and only 15.4 million bitcoins. That's one bitcoin for every 390 ounces. That's now. The future is actually in favor of bitcoin:gold ratio.
5. Gold and silver production is increasing continuously as the methods to extract it are improved and become increasingly mechanized. 100 years ago you had people shoveling ground and now you have excavators and D10's moving ground and ...ripping permafrost. Or people dredging ...the ocean's bottom (soon with robots). Even the places that have been previously "mined" are full of gold. And even the places that are mined today are still left with tons of fine gold that they can't really catch due to most mining operations going for more volume at the expense of recovery rates. The 180ktons of above ground gold will probably double or triple in the next 30-40 years. And when AI comes online to track underground deposits, vein flows, etc etc, or even assume the running of mechanical recovery tasks, you're looking at full blown gold inflation. And I haven't mentioned that most "non-gold bearing grounds" are bearing with invisible gold. You might pan nothing, but the gold is attached to lower-specific gravity rocks, which, when crushed, will release the gold (typically by resorting to chemicals). When people say "there is no gold here", what they really mean is "I don't see any", or "I'll probably spend more to get it" - both of which are circumstances that change continuously.
6. Even if above ground gold doubles or triples in the mid-term future, it will still preserve its value due to fiat inflating at a much faster pace. However bitcoin will be inflating at a much lower pace than both, hence being an adequate store of value, which also has good upside potential (gold's marketcap can't go 10x to 70+ trillion range with ease, unlike bitcoin which can hit 4k usd and do a 10x).
7. What PMs have in their favor is that they are much safer than crypto (excluding scam PM purchases). Nobody will fork, hack or 51% one's gold. And they are good for countries with high devaluation rates where the average man can convert local currency to PMs to prevent erosion to his savings.
All this shit from a guy who honestly thinks bitcoin will be trading at $12,000 next week. I cannot even laugh at this anymore.