I don't think you understand the words you're using.
Cultural Marxism: an ideology which emphasizes culture as a main cause of inequalities. Critics have seen cultural Marxism and its influence as an important cause of political correctness and as an important cause of a perceived decline of humanities, social sciences, culture, and civilization in the Western world.
The leftists on this forum don't really care about truth or fiction, right or wrong, all they care about is attempting to maintain the appearance of moral high ground, thus their strategy when speaking is always to try and correlate the non-leftist opponent with either Hitler, a Klan member, or some other leftist boogeyman-ism like racism, sexism, anything-ism.
If a woman made that article about "Syrian men", it would be considered a "joke" and not offensive. Leftism only knows how to portray women as victims and men as perpetrators.
Dumb argument because nobody mentioned nor cares about "health" in the first place in the context of ANYTHING we discussed. Yes, there are some groups like the Jews that have their illnesses dervied from genetic bottlenecks over time or whatever, but this is not a problem for most people. Plenty of Asians living to be 100 years old without marrying into other groups. Your argument is completely off-topic to what was being discussed. "Health" is not exactly a bell curve attribute unless you change the word health to lifespan.