That's a fairly obvious fishing post, although, as you say, not as colourful as before. He's expecting some well-intentioned nerd to respond, only to bombard him/her with text. And as nerds we keep entertaining him. If only they could ban him.
I think the fact that you don't find them as funny anymore may be a subliminal realization that things aren't as rosy as you had been hoping to believe. After all the good news lately, for once outnumbering the scams, there is still no improvement in bitcoin. The failure of GBTC * to take off is a further kick in the nuts.
Maybe you are realizing that if bitcoin is going to succeed, it needs to do it on its own.
Anyway, my posts are generally aimed at the lurkers, the people who come here to check out what its all about. I understand you have your view and you are not about to change it for all the logic in China.