The trouble is you get the government you vote for. In my country few people bother voting for the minor parties, so as much complaining as there is, people must actually love it otherwise they wouldn't vote for it.
Nope, it doesn't work like that.
At least 50% of voters (in the US, for example) get the government they voted for.
In a country with multiple parties in parliament, two minorities can build a coalition and reach over 50% of seats.
Even more so, the winner of votes can still be under 50% and build a coalition with a very small party, which gets to rule over the most unimportant resorts.
All of the three above have something in common: This is no real democracy.
Democracy isn't "majority vs. minority".
Democracy is "let's get to talks and solve the problems of our country together".
At the current state, Democracy is a scam, votes are pretty much influenced by message control and framing matters.
Agenda: Make the people fear something to get their votes to fight against it. After you win, do what you really wanted.
Always watch what they are doing, ignore what they are telling you they do.