Polynonce: A Tale of a Novel ECDSA Attack and Bitcoin Tears
It definitely is scary when you read the heading... But dive a little deeper and you realize it is an issue that has been discussed before.
Hence, most, and i hope most, bitcoin wallets are programmed to use different/random nonces with each signing, therefore eliminating the novel attack.
I've been studying/readying and trying to understand ECDSA (still learning, especially the mathematics) and Public/Private Key and how it all works... then you would really appreciate, that with proper implementation, ECDSA is secure.
I recommend everyone to at least understand the difference between Symmetric Encryption vs Asymmetric Encryption, if you don't already know it...
For a total layman like me it seems to boil down to the old "Every cryptographic algo is only as good as the RNG feeding random numbers into it".
One of the of (very few) takeaways I learned from Bruce's Applied Cryptography is:
1. Good randomness is key <- pardon the pun! (I think that's one of the ways the NSA subverted Crypto AGs cipher machines by making the RNG less random than customers expected and later they just went with broadcasting the private key along the ciphertext)
2. If you have a true random key that is equally long or longer than the data to encrypt, XOR is perfectly safe encryption (I am still astonished by that fact)
In the past the TLAs (and FLAs for the britons) employed brigades of ladies that ran bingo drums the whole day to create one time pads. It is said they only employed women because men were generally unable to follow the procedure correctly all day long and started to make up numbers from their head or whatever, while the ladies produced high quality OTPs.
So, when our ladies for once behave totally random and unexpected, that's a feature in them, not a bug.
^Couldn't resist, sorry gals. It is depressing and embarassing enough that men are apparently unable to operate a bingo drum reliably for more than a few minutes.
Edited to add: Apologies for the repeated use of the banned c-word, I was assuming it might be safe in this context (*ducks to evade the mandatory incoming batslap*)