I had one conversation today with a friend about Bitcoin. He said he saw Bitcoin in the news and it dropped a few 1000 and he said the bubble is bursting. I got angry because I have heard him say this before and he says it every time Bitcoin goes down. He knows I am invested and he might be trying to look out for me but I think it is more sinister and he is trying to make me convert my Bitcoin into euros. He does not gain any thing from it so I do not know why he teases me about it being a bubble every time we see a decline.
I responded telling him that he says it every time and that Bitcoin has always recovered but he shrugged it off and said it will end eventually. I gave up and I do not feel like educating him about Bitcoin because I think he will ignore the facts and continue to say stupid things.
No coiners can be like that, especially thinking that sooner or later they are going to be right, and sometimes they are right for 3 years or so.. and perhaps he could even be right for longer than that.
I don't really know what to do about these kinds of people either.. and for me, since I have been in bitcoin for quite a long time, many of them have shut up quite a bit because, even though there sometimes have been 2-3 year periods in which the BTC price is down, they don't really have any comeback when I suggest that my average price per corn is below $1k, so I could give few ratts' asses if the price might be down because my overall holdings is in profits.. and even if it may well seem that my profits are ONLY on paper, I have material advantages in life because there are some things that I have bought that I likely would not have been able to buy if I did not have my bitcoin investment (and sometimes those things were bought without credit... and for sure without worry in terms of my having to second guess if I get the less expensive version).. .. so yeah, sometimes it could take a while for the desire for "I told you so" to fade away.. because I am thinking of one person that has had so many chances to get into bitcoin, and when BTC prices were just above $20k-ish.. in early-July-ish.. I was suggesting that those were good prices to establish a BTC position, especially if someone did not have any cornz.. which he did not .. and he said "what if this is the top?" and I said that it could be the top.. and yes.. he could be right about that.. so surely it is up to him, and then sure he was right, for a while.. and we saw some challenging times for bitcoin prices throughout the second-half of 2022.. so yes.. he was right, he was right, he was right.. for a while.. .. so I don't know the answer about whether he is going to be right again, but I am pretty sure that he will not be buying bitcoin for the next few years, so I am pretty sure that we may well be revisiting the topic of bitcoin again in 2-4 years.. and perhaps.. he will be right this time? Perhaps?
I mean he was not right in late 2014... but he was for a while.. And then he was not right in late 2016... .. and he also was not right in early 2019.. .. so will he be right this time? Perhaps? perhaps? I don't claim to know the future, even if I am prepared for the possibility for bitcoin to go up (and sure maybe I have a wee bit more cornz than necessary), but he is not prepared at all for the BTC price to go up because he has none.. and every time that he has gotten any, he sold way too much too soon... and he just did not have anything much stronger than lettuce hands.. and perhaps that might be part of the reason that he is so ongoingly bitter about the whole topic.. even though I do see him a few times a year.. some years more than other years, but our paths do cross quite regularly.. and I generally do not rub it in too much directly.. but it should be somewhat obvious, at some point, perhaps? Perhaps?
Not a big gold fan as I prefer silver, but my largest personal hold of any investment is wait for it:
You're one of "us?"