Also two words for you that I would consider very carefully now and in the future "due diligence"
Due diligence on a Sunday night at midnight with huge news being rammed down our throats that turned out to be a lie.
Morning NotLambChop
Ha ha yeah right... lambchop that is a laugh, good one.
Yeah that is right, due diligence, try it sometime (before you throw good money after bad at a lawyer)
No one forced you to buy the damn coins on a sunday, or forced you to follow the supposed irresistible "hype" you are going on about (which had zero effect on me or any Bitcoiner I know) no one forced you to lose money, these were all your actions, no one held a gun to your head and forced you to do what you did, least of all Coinbase, I cannot even see your logic here at all, not a single bit of it.
I do not know if it is the stress that is causing you to act the way you are right now, but you are acting like a fool tbh.
You cannot answer the questions because you do not have a bloody leg to stand on and you know it.
Oh yes judge, my greed was so that I could not help myself, I had to buy the coins, I had no choice, and no they did not ever actually unequivocally ever say that they were actually regulated in California per se, and no I have not actually made an actual loss yet (?) ... and... you get the idea.
(EDIT: I was with a good heart, trying to understand your point of view, which is why I respectfully asked you to explain to me what you felt had happened but instead you dodged answering and then threw some ad hominem in for good measure, from your past posts I assumed you were somewhat more on the ball than you are showing yourself to be at this present moment. I sincerely hope it works out for you in the end)