What did they do in your opinion?
I'm to tired to type it out in full with references.
Probably best you build your own opinion on what just happened.
In a nut shell Coinbase Rick Rolled everyone with news that was a flat out lie and generated tons of "buzz" (as Charlie Lee called it) that generated Coinbase huge profits at the expense of fooled customers/bitcoiners alike. 1% and actually buying Bitcoins after the market crashed via customers and huge $50+ dollar swings for the rest of the world. (NYSE tweeted last week they planned on helping Coinbase make the Bitcoin prices more transparent... and Coinbase took that shit to the bank.)
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/rick-rolled-by-coinbase-so-i-went-to-look-at-their-local-beautiful-sf-office-938514I already have an opinion, I was curious as to what your opinion is.
When you say rickrolled are you referring to the "lunar launch"? tbh I took that with a pinch of salt, they played on the moon meme, and the lunar name, it was cute but it never meant anything... Surely no one thought that meant anything other than the opening of the exchange? (which I do wonder if they rushed because of Gemini)
Did they specifically say, themselves anywhere that they were licensed in California or NY? Or did they say they were were operating in NY and California?
Or is it the insurance angle?
Eitherway I do not get how this caused anyone to immediately rush to the exchange and buy any more or less btc than they wanted in the first place. Also how exactly did you lose 200k if you do not mind me asking? I did not quite get that part?