First off don't worry about my money or point of view because I don't mean shit. Just focus on the bigger picture of Bitcoin.
They rick rolled Bitcoin as a whole by lying to the media about news that was a flat out lie. The state of California even stepped in Tuesday. No telling how many sales they generated through creating this buzz and then not even buying customers BTC until after the market takes a huge plunge.
It just smells to high hell.
Do your own research I guess.
I already have as much information as the next guy to draw research on. I was asking you specifically what you feel happened and how they scammed you , but it seems that you cannot answer the question for some reason
I saw that cali regulators stepped in to say lunar/ Coinbase is not regulated in cali, but did Coinbase themselves say they were? Or did they actually say they are "operating in cali" ?? And even if they did say regulated, then why did that cause you to buy a shit ton of btc? And then how did you make an actual loss, what is the mechanism you made the loss by? Is it an actual loss ?? A loss on potential profit, an unrealized (as of yet loss) That is what i was trying to understand from you.
Anyway, I wish you luck in your future trading