You don't know how lucky you are in Western Europe and USA. In my country, if someone achieves all academic titles/programming skills etc and works in 2 places will get half of what a beginner Mcdonalds employee in these countries will get. Moreover, we pay for health care, which is at the level of 2 centuries ago. Here people die from elementary diseases because hospitals have no specialists or modern equipment. And the prices of the food and everything else is equal to the rest countries. And if I want to leave this shit country I will not get neither free health care nor a pension, so I'm stuck here. Now my dad is very ill from elementary diseases which in other countries will be healed in minutes. I almost died from gallbladder stones and peritonitis last summer. My coleague at the same age died from appendicite inflamation. These problems can't be solved by Bitcoin, unless I wait for prices above 1mil. By then I'll be probably dead. So I don't care anymore about the price.
Well, that's too bad if you believe that bitcoin does not help you or give you more options, and surely maybe it might not allow you to escape your country, if you believe that escaping your country is necessary in order to improve your conditions.
Sure, money cannot solve all problems, but still seems to me that investing into an asset that is likely to hold its value better than other assets gives more options and it is a good thing to do, even if you are ONLY able to stock away $10 per week.
It could be the case that you (and perhaps other people have these kinds of problems too) get into situations in which they place too much expectations on bitcoin to completely change their situation in a kind of 100x to 500x kind of way, and sure it could be possible that bitcoin is going to make progress in that direction, yet no one said that bitcoin (as a solution, option and/or hedge) is either guaranteed or that it is going up before down or even that it will outperform other assets that might be available for you to invest in.. and for sure, I still think that you do not necessarily need to make it to fuck you status in order to benefit from bitcoin as a hedge and as an asymmetric bet to the upside that might be amongst the best available (if not the best available) ways to hedge your current situation. .whatever that situation may be.
The world is unfair in a lot of ways, including starting points of various individuals and various resources that any of us might have, and I tend to be a believer in the advantages that come from ongoing practices of incrementalism in terms of striving to improve our conditions, even when there might be a variety of ways in which the cards may well be stacked against any of us, and to me, it seems that bitcoin is amongst the best of tools (if not the best) that is available to any of us, and any of us who already know about bitcoin are way the fuck more advantaged over those who either do not believe in the various powers (and hedging aspects of bitcoin or do not know about them.
Hopefully, you do not end up putting yourself into the camp of the unknowners and the bitter.. and hopefully, you did not gamble too much with bitcoin to contribute to your own negative perceptions of it as a powerful tool.. but a tool that does not necessarily guarantee results.
Does anyone have a excel spreadsheet format where they keep record of their dca or maybe you have recommendations for software for keeping track of it? I am concerned about the privacy element of storing the data on a application but atm I have been using the old fashioned pen and paper but it is taking up too much room and it is not easy to search for certain dates if I want to take a look.
I have been recommending the use of Excel for years, and sure there could be ways in which your data could become known and/or seen by others, or otherwise compromised as you suggest. I think that the power of the tool (the various benefits in organizing the data and the power of using the tool to update and even to reformulate the data or to rethink aspects of the data through hypothesizing and projecting various scenarios) outweigh the negatives in which your data could be compromised.. and surely there are likely various ways to secure your data to the extent that you believe that it could end up getting compromised.
By the way, fairly recently, i helped someone with an excel spreadsheet, and then we created a kind of joint spreadsheet, so I was copying and pasting from one of my own personal templates, and there was one instance that I accidentally sent some of my personal data... and then after I sent it, I realized my mistake, and I sent a revised version, and requested that the person delete the version that I had accidentally sent. So yeah, sometimes there can be compromises, including self-imposed user-error related compromises.
In the 1990s and even a bit into the 2,000s, I had a variety of analogue spreadsheets (or whatever they would have been called) in which they were kept on paper, and so periodically I would update them, and sometimes in order to avoid the need to rewrite, I would attach earlier versions, and that was fucking labor intensive as hell, and there were a lot of things that I just could not do, especially if I wanted to have a life outside of keeping track of various expenses and investment.. so moving over to electronic versions has been very powerful.. and I learned a lot about some techniques of analyzing and even learned a lot about myself by creating those kinds of documents with more powerful tools.
I do have some tools that are somewhat "fictional" or they have some kinds of decoy data.... and so there may well be some ways in which some of that could be helpful.. and of course, I do not keep certain kinds of data (such as passwords) those electronic formats.. and maybe I am saying too much.. because I can see that sharing information on the intertoobs can sometimes be problematic, too... so of course, the milage of any of us could vary, including the issues related to data compromise can sometimes be difficult to trace.
Of course, some folks use google docs.. and I am kind of afraid of that. .and some people keep some other sensitive data "in the cloud" and I am largely afraid of that too.. even though many of us know that in the last 20 years our data foot prints have tended to get bigger and BIGger and BIGGER.. .. so yeah, sometimes we might have some decent ways of securing our data locally, and other times, if we might e-mail or text some of our data to others, then that data would become even less secure than if we had a policy to ONLY keep it locally (and of course, you are suggesting that local data can be compromised as well, and I am not disagreeing with you about that or wanting to get too much in to my data protection security practices, either).
I don't necessarily put a lot of weight into predictions or prognostics merely because they end up being right, since we likely know/realize that many times, minority scenarios end up playing out, so I am not going to necessarily give credit to someone merely because they either got it right or got it wrong.. and it does sometimes urk me when guys (and gals) want to get more credit than they likely deserve merely for getting some prediction right...
If you fling enough shit at a wall some of it will stick and no offense to dragon but he is doing this. His reasons are ok but I do not see the same correlations that they do and I think a lot of people that look at the same chart will have 100 different perceptions.
You may be correct that a lot of the guys who are doing short-term analysis are both flip-flopping and they are frequently making predictions that go either direction in order to be able to later say, :Look what I said, blah blah blah... .. that might be a kind of risk-point of that kind of business, and surely some guys are wanting to sell others on their predictions, too.. so that can feel a little problematic when it is noticed.. even with myself, I know that I tend to be more sympathetic for UPpity claims than I am to DOWNity claims, and so those kinds of preferences might also sometimes come out in my posts, too.. .. and part of my own rationale seems to be that I am invested into bitcoin because overall, I believe that it is going up, so generally I will tend to be biased towards up.. even though since May-ish, I had agreed that we are in a bear market, and I have not gotten out of my overall assessment in that direction yet.. even though I sure would prefer to see some UPpity and I have continued to buy..
...even in May when I first conceded that we are in a bear market, I did not stop buying, even though I removed some of my buy orders, and put them lower and engaged in other kinds of practices to help me to NOT run out of money in case we continued to go DOWNity beyond expectations.. which we did do and I did not ever run out of money (technically speaking) even though I surely have not had much Money left for buying since I had been buying all the way down from around $60k to $35k before giving in to agree that we were in a bear market until we get out of it.. which does not seemed to have had happened yet, even though it well could be that the odds are greater than 50% that the bottom is in... I just don't even know how much of odds to assign to that yet, either.. fuck.. ... not easy to attempt to assign odds sometimes.. so I gotta give some credit to guys who might be willing to assign odds that might help me to figure out how much my own odds might be different from theirs (if I were to be so brave as to attempt such assignment my lil selfie).