Pretty simple keylogger attack.
Which is why I don’t have a password company.
I do my own.
Sounds weird 😕 Dev ops engineer made a mistake and his network got compromised and then the attacker did his job.
Not really so much synching happens within your network of pc use ,if you are an it guy having fortyfive pcs ,five phones and a few tablets slightly connected is possible.
If there are four dev ops guys all four of them may be using 100 pieces of gear between them.
A hacker can find one piece and crawl around for months connecting dots.
and there goes the main server.
I have 85-100 miners and four pcs interconnected all of the those miners have small pcs in them.
they all must connect to the internet to mine. Get into one and you could get into sll 85-100 and the four pcs that link it all.
but none of those hook up to other pcs with wallets etc.