Please state your understanding of what is going on, then.
You're always making bold assertions. "I assume this" "I suspect this"
I don't know, but I don't make shit up all the time like you do.
I do not know where to get reliable data on bitcoin usage.
Exactly, so shut the fuck up
Aren't you a trader? Can't you make money whether the price is $10 or $1000? Why be mad at the guy? At least he's not like "DEFI GOING DOWN OMG DOOOOOM AND FUKKIN GLOOOOOM C U @ 5 FGTS!" That is much more trollish than what this dude is doing.
For that matter, at least he admits he could be wrong and is making assumptions. How many people do you see speaking in absolute, certain terms about where the price is going, in either direction? Even though it is impossible to be "certain" about future events. Even that is more trollish to me than a guy giving what he perceives to be an honest analysis and doing so in a relatively polite manner.
Just take it for what it is: just another dudes analysis. Nobody can force you to agree with it, but you can certainly give yourself an aneurysm getting mad over so little.
Some call him a troll, but honestly I don't think a troll would ever bother to put that much work into trolling. Look at a guy like Lambchop: he's putting in hardly any effort at all, and he STILL pisses some people off. Why would a guy work so hard at it when all you have to do is mimic lambchop and be successful at trolling?