1. Most of your time is spent in Speculation. Almost none of it is spent in the more technical sub-forums.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/jorgestolfi-183158 Am I really supposed to believe this answer?
2. So you want to save grown adults from their own choices and you think the Speculation sub-forum is the best location to achieve this? Even if Bitcoin was a scam, it would be small potatoes compared to the amount of evil deeds going on in the world today. I happen to agree that Bitcoin should not be "sold" as a "get rich quick" scheme, yet the world we live in is full of people who want to sell, and people who want to be sold, these kinds of things. If they are spending most of their time in the Speculation sub-forum they probably are well past the point of having you "save" them.
Sigh, I have replied to this many times before.
As with electronic voting, biometric identification, mass user profiling, etc., the really important issues with bitcoin are not the technology itself, but the consequences of using it - legal, political, economcial, social, practical, etc. However, most of these consequences are hard to evaluate without understanding the technology. That is why computer experts without vested interest have a moral obligation to enter the discussion of such issues. Otherwise, the discussion will be dominated by the "salesmen" of the technology, who will only mention the good tings and hide or deny the bad things.
Brazil recently was plagued TelexFree, a huge multi-level marketing scam that stole billions and ruined the life of milions. For a while it looked like that Bitcoin was going to be another TelexFree. Fortunately it hasn't happened so far; perhaps it is the memory of TelexFree has made people wary of miraculous investments.
My advocacy (which is apparently not much needed, thank god) was and will be done in local channels. I don't want to "save" anyone in this thread. As I said many times, I consider short-term speculation a form of gambling, and I have no problem with that -- as long as people know that they are gambling.
I post most of the time here because this thread is more active than all other ~50 threads in my watchlist together, it has the most varied (and interesting) audience, and news on all topics get promptly posted here.
If everyone here posts their beliefs, and respond to posts that they disagree with, not for personal gain or public service but just for the sake of debating -- why shouldn't I do the same?