Guys, if you dont care that merchants are not holding onto their coins.....and not many new people with fiat are arriving in the you think current price levels are sustainable? Merchants care about USDs received from your purchases and as third party services are selling your coins = eating what little fiat there is left, shouldnt the price drop in the long term?
dude, I get that you're new, but I think you just don't quite get what this means yet. You're well on your way, and no one can tell you this kind of stuff, you really need to figure it out for yourself.
good luck
No one can tell him this kind of stuff because I suspect at least half the people on here act like they know the answers, but don't. You can spot them easily by the "look at the previous threads," which to me means "look at the previous threads, but I totally never did because TO DA MOON!"
Hi Octa, I think no one can tell
anyone about this kind of stuff. I think you can make suggestions and observations, but this kind of stuff is so far beyond most people's reasoning that it is pretty much a waste of time trying to explain it.
I didn't mean to imply that looking at previous threads would have any meaningful impact on the level of understanding of an individual (although it probably would) - what I meant to convey was the idea that -in today's world- a person's consciousness will tend to reject ideas that are not placed there by TV and gov't. I'm trying to say that this is the kind of stuff that you really need to figure out for yourself, because it is completely different from everything you've ever been taught or told.
anyways, the way that I try to tackle the problem is first I try to first understand or identify the limits of the technology, then try to understand the ramifications of the implementation of this technology in our current system. after that I might try to imagine the impact going forward... after the mass adoption and infrastructure has been built.
Well you didn't angrily direct the guy to another thread and tell him to STFU with his FUD and stop asking stupid questions that have been asked ad nauseam, so you're more the catalyst for my response than the target. For all the marketing some of these people do, you'd think they'd have something actually relevant to say when presented with questions, even if it is the 100th time it's been asked over the course of several years. To expect a person new to bitcoin to read through years of posts just to maybe kinda sorta get an answer (but mostly they'll find more "LOOK AT PREVIOUS THREADS ASSHOLE" responses, it's like a daisy chain of bullshit) just pisses me the fuck off, especially when you consider it's asking someone to sort through a bunch of "CHOOOOO CHOOOO" and "SINGLE DIGITS INCOMING BAGHOLDERS" nonsense to find one little speck of a gem.
It's like, if it's so fucking obvious an answer, then why don't you just fucking spend 5 minutes of your time to save this poor guy 5 hours?
BTW, respect to you for the dignified and classy response.