But we do not need to discuss theory. The MtGOX heist alone stole 5% of all the money in the bitcoin economy. There have been dozens, if not hundreds, of other heists; the total may be 10% of all the money. AFAIK, none of those thieves has been identified, much less caught; and none of those stolen coins were retrieved.
That is 10% of all the money in 5 years, which is 2% per year.
Inflation alone steals 3-9% of our money every year.Try harder
I wish more people understood this basic concept about our existing money system.
People have "comfort" with some money in the bank but are blind to the theft of it via inflation.
And when you mention to them that printing money devalues what they have, they rationally get it, but not at a deep enough level to actually act.
The next level of discussion should be WAR. Once people understand, really understand that war happens as a
DIRECT result of just printing money and becoming servants this debt
they will take to the streets. Having war with a finite money supply means people would actually have to change their standard of living, as they would have less money.
The existing system enslaves them and they know it not.
At a very basic level, bitcoin is causing people to question money and with that, the veil is coming down.
Its about sharing
edit - It is a fair point that the Gox, SR, etc. coins that were stolen will become more valuable and hence have more power. But, that is outright theft. Our existing system hides that fact and makes it a part of business as usual.