EDIT: I do see that Jorge made additional posts (above) to attempt some comparison between bitcoin and various other fiat payment systems. I remain of the conclusion that his comparison are inadequate largely on the basis that the security of bitcoin is continuing to evolve. Surely there are currently some security issues with bitcoin - yet Jorge seems to be overstating them in order to spread FUD about bitcoin. I look forward to continued developments in the bitcoin space to make improvements on security b/c certainly, it remains a concern for everyone if a security issue develops or involves an individual user, then the irreversible nature of a transaction can be very problematic if one's coins get in the wrong hands.
What concerns me is the Jorge brings problems, not solutions even when some of these solutions are fairly obvious or already known and only require a little imagination and deduction. The process should be "X is a problem this is why it is unsolvable" or "X is a problem, a possible way to mitigate it might be Y" but what we appear to be getting is "X is a problem now let's run around in circles yelling like our hair is on fire"
Here are some issues and solutions that have been addressed with an existing service, credit cards:
o Credit card numbers on receipts lead to theft (Yes, they used to do this.) Solution: Receipts now show only four digits of cards
o Front of card has all data needed for a purchase: Solution CCV codes
o CCV codes can be seen: No solution from providers. Some customers memorize then remove CCV codes.
o Cards can be "skimmed" by untrustworthy waiters. No solution from providers. Recommendation is for customer to not relinquish control of their card. (Somewhat hard to actually do)