Where do you get the idea from that the price is set by China? From your own "Chinese slumber" method? Last time I checked, it was wildly off, during several large swings.
No, the "Slumber Method" is just a highly speculative (not in the trading sense) attempt to predict price ~20h in advance,
assuming that there are no sudden exogenous events affecting the Chinese traders. It is wildly off when there are such events, which of course cannot be predicted from the price history -- that information is simply not there.
My purple conviction above is due to observation that
all the major and persisitent price changes since october, except one, are easily explained a posteriori by events in China and news that concern the Chinese traders, cannot be explained otherwise, and seem completely oblivious to developments in the West that do not affect China.
The Western exchanges may contribute short-lived spikes, and may lag behind when the price in China is changing to fast; but when looked at the 1d scale, especially at timeswhen China is quiet, they track the Chinese price very closely, apart from slight changes in the effective CNY/USD rate. And, more importantly, they too react to
Chinese developments, but not to Westen ones.
The only price event after Octover that does not seem correlated to events relevant to China is the sudden jump on Mar/03. It may be that Bitstamp led that change, reacting to the Bloomberg ad-news, However, Bloomberg News is carried worldwide, and it may have caused the jump directly in China. Or there may have been some other local development that I could not identify.
This reminds me of the often stated "fact" that stamp blindly follows gox. Of course prices on the two exchanges were correlated to an extremely high degree, and often enough, stamp followed gox, but towards the end, the two simply decoupled, without much ado. If your theory can't account for that (and in the polemic way your phrased it, it cannot), then it is worthless, in my opinion.
The two exchanges decoupled only when MtGOX essentially blocked BTC transfers, which stopped arbitrage trade between them and the rest. After that point there were two separate commodities, "bitcoin" and "goxcoin", with independent markets.
The Western exchanges would surely decouple from China if arbitrage was somehow cut off (I can't imagine how). Which ways they would go, I have no idea.