I do recall that one of the posts you put in some words of attribution for someone... and probably in that case, it would have been good to note it (or maybe say it in small type ... ).. whatever, it was kind of a joke or a way to dig in at someone in a strategic way... ..
oh yeah, that one... was more of a joke but turns out she was very annoyed at having her character defiled on a public site.... funny that.
Gosh...I'm reminded of an Oscar Wilde quote.
Just to clarify.
Chessnut was compelled to delete a post in which he had falsely created a post by myself; he then tried to use that forged post to coerce me, thus revealing his true character. Here is a young boy who desperately needs the attention and validation of an internet forum: when he is caught out by his own words he resorts to personal attacks and then to manipulating posts in the last resort to 'win' an argument.
I have no 'reputation' or 'character' to be 'defiled' (I wonder if Chessnut means the real meaning of the word, probably not), these are constructs he places a value upon: yet he seeks to belittle new users here at every opportunity often under the guise of 'help'.
He is a bully and while the males ignore the yelping puppy, he is irate to distraction that a woman twice his age and more berates his behaviour.
You have come out with some pretty big doosies yourself... You should NOT consider Chestnut a threat to you.. if it really is true that you are much older than him, then show some maturity yourself.
I have seen Chestnut get bullied by a bunch of other posters here, too... and then he seems to NOT be sophisticated enough to handle all the crap that is thrown at him..
Anyhow, my point is that even though Chestnut may exaggerate a bit ---- he does NOT seem to be engaging any meaningful and purposefully harmful conduct... NOT that i have seen, so far. Even the post in which he made a false attribution to you praising him... that merely seem to be an attempt to get back at you in a humorous way... which you took personal... so why let a little kid win.. if you truly are the adult, you should be able to figure out ways to persuade him to cooperate rather than seeming to order him around... or to berate him... that tactic does NOT seem productive in my thinking.