I actually find BJA pretty offensive. Sometimes I jerk my knee a bit too. But the truths he elucidates in the process - often defects of my own thought derived from cohort common knowledge - are well worth the nose holding required to keep tears out of my eyes long enough to see them.
He has his moments, when he's not bloviating and being generally boorish.
Only if they are deluded by political correctness. But by then its probably too late, and the reflexive filters will render the subject incorrigible. At a guess, I estimate that your anti-racism is one born in the ghettos of white privilege. If so, you will likely see racism where your culture group has defined it to be acceptable to see racism, and will be completely blind to the patronizing racism that pervades said culture. Why is racism even a dirty word? Fear of other. Fear is a mind killer.
And that (the confusion deriving from fear) brings us back on-topic of speculation.
Tsk, tsk. If anyone should be fearing anything, it should be you fearing that you've stuck your neck out too far in your assumptions. Completely baseless, and entirely incorrect. I grew up lower middle class and lived in mixed race neighborhoods of the city my entire life. I have about equal amounts of white friends and friends of other races, and what I've learned is that every race has smart people, stupid people, nice people cruel people. Ultimately, we're all human, just different pigments. I don't give a shit about political correctness, I don't have any white guilt, and I'm colorblind: I don't give other races a pass just because they are a different race. It would be hypocritical of me to treat other races differently, even in a way that is positive for them, when I berate others for doing that.
What I do care about is the implication that one race is better than another simply because they are that race, then using some bullshit like IQ and "oh your country sucks" to back it up. If you're going to make such a strong assertion, it'd better not be with those weak arguments.
Oh, for fuck's sake. I hate talking about stuff like this. Why are basketball players disproportionally black? If I even suggest it's because maybe they have genetic characteristics that make them on average better suited to the sport, then that's racist. It must be a cultural thing, right? There's no genetic component to anything? Is it racist to notice genetic characteristics or is it racists to care if there are differing characteristics? Norwegian people aren't taller? To say that one race is better than another in some particular way is not saying that one race is better than another generally. There is no "generally". "Better" at what?
I'm offensive? How many of you have married outside your race? Brazil sucks because it's filled with Statists. California sucks because it's filled with Californians. Jorge is a pompus psudo-intellectual. I don't even like to think in terms of groups. Jorge does. I was just giving him a taste of his own medicine.