Nope. As I said previously, some individuals are smart, some are dumb, some are in-between. My outright statement (not implication) is that it is not at all determined by what the color of their skin is or what country/continent/whatever they come from.
Indeed not all. But there should be some dependencies, based on world around certain population group. Like, in warm/tropic countries there might be less need in efforts of getting food. Based on that, different people groups might have different "intellectual" potential (or at least, that potential might be distributed differently vs other group)
again, in average.
Don't you agree?
Also, do you guys assume that it's kind of an RPG where you have base stats like STR, DEX, INT as 10 and you have 20 points to distribute? It's looking like creationism.
I think that it's totally might be that some group might have 16 and some 24 points to "distribute".
I doubt it. I imagine gathering food in any location would require ingenuity, and if it was indeed less, I doubt it would be so much less that it would have a profound effect on evolution to the level we are speaking here. I think it would be relatively unnoticeable, compared to when you consider we had to evolve into huge things like simply having language and communication.
The "points to distribute" argument seems suspect, but I'll entertain it and counter that this would likely pertain to individuals and not a group of people as a whole.
Regardless, you can't lord a couple of IQ points over anybody, because IQ fails to take into account a lot of factors regarding intelligence. There's plenty of articles available on the internet on why IQ tests alone are useless to determine someone's actual intelligence level. Seriously, a simple google search for "IQ tests inaccurate" will turn up dozens of results. Here's one: -- The gist of it is IQ can be useful, but is wholly inadequate in getting a good determination on how intelligent someone is. You need multiple tests focusing on various factors to get a better idea.
Ever met the guy who was a logic and math wiz, but couldn't navigate a social situation to save his life and was quite aloof? If he took an IQ test, he'd crush it, but if you tried to socially interact with the guy, you'd wonder how many types of idiot he was.
I do not at all believe in creationism, by the way.