It seems very likely that you are gonna be waiting for a while, and such dip into the 3s may NOT happen... buen suerte
Surely, each of us in this thread come to varying conclusions about the probabilities of one thing happening or another thing happening, and some posters will have better abilities with these predictions. I certainly am NO expert, and my comment reflects my pessimism that we are going to get into the 300s... Three weeks ago, I believed that we would NOT get into the $500s and about a week ago, and even a few days ago, I was pretty pessimistic about the possibility that we would get into the $500s - actually, I believed we would NOT get below $530.
So, I do NOT have any specific insight concerning the direction of BTC.. yet my comment reflects my sentiment. If I wanted into BTC, I would NOT wait until $399. I would likely buy in increments, including buying today.
However, it sounds as if you have a different buying strategy. So for example, if you already bought a bunch of BTC at lower prices, then you may be willing to wait for $399 or whatever your buying point happens to be. Currently, my next buying point is at $460-ish, if the price gets there in the next 24-48 hours. However, if the price shoots up to $550 and then back down, I may buy again at $500. So, each of us may have our own strategy, and certainly, I am NO expert...especially regarding your own situation.